Sushi is commonly one of the most amazing yet expensive items on a menu. BUT if you make it at home using these instructions, I think you can shave it down to around 1 dollar per serving.
Fried Shallots:
3 shallots thinly sliced
2 cups vegetable oil
Herb Salad:
1/4 cup fresh mint
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
1/4 cup fresh thai basil
Pickled Carrot:
2 carrots julienned
1 cup water
2 cups vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
Sushi Rice:
2 cups sushi rice
2 cups water
1/4 cup zu (plus more to taste)
1 cup rice vinegar
3 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt
Vegetable Temaki:
1 avocado cut into quarters
Fried shallots (Total cost this from above)
2 portobello mushrooms
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
salt to taste
Herb salad (priced from above)
1 cucumber cut into sticks
1/4 cup soy sauce
Spicy Salmon Temaki:
1/2 lb sashimi-grade salmon
1/3 cup mayo
3 Tbsp sriracha
1 green onion, thinly sliced
salt to taste
1 clove garlic grated
1/4 cup sesame seeds
Pork Belly Makimono:
2 lbs Pork Belly
salt to taste
1/2 cup hoisin sauce
pickled carrot
herb salad
2 thai chilies
1 bunch green onions
Sushi Rice Method:
Start by adding sushi rice to a strainer then washing thoroughly with water. Add to the rice cooker with equal parts water. Season with sushi zu.
Place rice back into the rice cooker on “keep warm” setting.
Spicy Salmon Temaki Method:
Start by thinly slicing the shallots and place into a pot with vegetable oil. Set over a stove set to medium-high.
Constantly stir, the oil will come up to a boil, and once the shallots are golden brown immediately remove. Drain on a paper towel and season with salt.
Cut a nori in half, as well as an english cucumber (cut same length as nori), and cut the cheeks off the cucumber leaving the core behind.
Take the cucumber cheeks and cut into batons.
Using a sharp knife, cut the salmon into ½” cubes.
In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise, sriracha, green onion, salt to taste, and grated garlic clove. Mix together before adding in the salmon and toss to coat.
Take a sheet of nori, cut into two halves. Repeat to have 8-10 sheets.
Take on ½ sheet, and using dampened hands spread enough sushi rice to cover ¾ of the nori sheet.
Spoon on 2-3 Tbsp of the spicy salmon, 1 cucumber baton, crispy shallots, sesame seeds and roll it up from the bottom
Vegetable Temaki Method:
Start by cutting the cap of the portobello mushrooms into ¾” slices. Turn the slices flat side down and cut off the black gills. Using the sharp end of the knife, score the mushrooms in cross-hatch patterns on both sides.
Fill a medium skillet with vegetable oil over medium heat until ripping hot. Lay in mushrooms. Press mushrooms with some sort of weight (i.e chef press).
Let sear for 2-3 minutes. Flip, season with salt and sear for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from pan and repeat with remaining pieces.
In a small bowl, combine fresh mint leaves, cilantro, and thai basil leaves. Toss together.
For assembly, to a half sheet of nori spread out the sushi rice and add a slice of avocado brushed with soy sauce, slice of mushroom, cucumber, sliced green onions, some of the herb salad, and fried shallots. Roll from the bottom tightly.
Pork Belly Makimono Method:
Start by peeling the carrots then julienned as fine as possible. Place into a jar.
In a medium saucepan, add in vinegar, salt, and sugar set over medium-high heat and once boiling immediately pour over the carrots. Let sit until reached room temperature.
Slice the pork belly into 2” thick pieces and score the fat side in a crosshatched pattern.
Heat a pan over medium heat and spray lightly with cooking oil.
Once the pan is ripping hot, season the pork with salt and lay in the pan (optionally adding in spices) and sear for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Flip and sear for another 2-3 minutes.
Once seared, tilt the pan and hold the pork in the corner where all the fat pools down to long enough until golden brown.
Place in a preheated 375F oven for 15-20 minutes. Optionally brush with hoisin sauce when through.
When each piece is coated in hoisin sauce, glaze the sauce under a broiler or kitchen torch.
Cut off the root bottom of the green onions. Heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat, add in the green onions and sear for 3-4 minutes. Flip and sear for another 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and set to the side.
For assembly, grab a full sheet of nori, add sushi rice evenly leaving 1” of space at the top, place two slices of pork belly along with seared green onions, pickled carrots, thai chili (optional), herb salad, and roll it up from the bottom half way. Give it a crimp before rolling the rest of the way.
Using a sharp knife, slice into individual pieces before serving.
مواقع جيست بوست جميع المجالات
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هل تريد تبادل باك لينك مع موقع عالي؟
نحن نمتلك 25 رابط دوفلو ذات جودة عالية
من يرغب تبادل باك لينك
يرجي التواصل معنا عبر الواتس اب
شيخ روحاني
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التعليم الروحي تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني
تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني، يمكن للأفراد الاستفادة من دروس ودورات تعليمية تهدف إلى تعزيز الفهم الروحي والديني. تشمل هذه الدروس مواضيع متنوعة مثل تفسير القرآن، الحديث الشريف، الفقه، والعقيدة. من خلال هذه الدروس، يمكن للأفراد بناء قاعدة معرفية قوية تساعدهم في تحقيق النمو الروحي.
إن التعليم الروحي تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني لا يقتصر على المعرفة النظرية فقط، بل يشمل أيضًا التطبيق العملي للقيم والمبادئ الدينية في الحياة اليومية. هذا يساعد الأفراد على تحقيق توازن بين الحياة الروحية والمادية، مما يساهم في تحقيق السعادة والرضا الداخلي.
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